BioScan Assessment
Electrodermal ScreeningElectrodermal Screening (EDS) is also referred to as Stress Reduction Therapy (SRT) because it is a method of clinical assessment of the meridian systems of the body. The meridian system was first discovered and utilized by the ancient Chinese healers approximately 5000 years ago. They discovered patterns of energy (chi) that travel throughout the body in channels along specific pathways that correspond to every tissue and organ of the body: These healers found ways to increase of decrease this energy through treatments which restore balance and health naturally. Treatments such as acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology are based on the meridian system.
In the 1950's a German physician Reinhold Voll began his research on the meridian system of the body. His work established that acupuncture points possess greater electrical conductivity than the surrounding tissue and that readings of the body to stressors could be accurately measured and effectively treated using simple electronics. This technology can be compared to polygraph, EKG (electrocardiogram), EMG (electromyelogram) and other technologies that measure electrical response on the surface of the skin. It is not used to diagnose or to treat disease as defined by Western medicines nor is it used to define disease based on symptoms. MSA compliments other diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. EDS/MSA screening determines the overall balance of the various organ systems in the body and can be utilized to determine toxins in the body such as parasites, heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, vaccinations, etc. which might be contributing to stress and imbalance in the body. Evaluating general function of the organs and tissues of the body on an energetic basis for symptomatic or preventative care can assist anyone in maintaining general wellness. EDS/MSA screening can also determine sensitivity to foods and environmental substances. If you are experiencing digestive problems, fatigue, frequent illness, headaches, joint pains, mental confusion, nausea, sinusitis, etc., it may be a indication that toxins are present in your body or food and/or environmental sensitivities are causing various symptoms. New Client - 60 + Minutes - $100.00 Return Client - 30-45 Minutes - $65.00 Package Deal - Buy 7 visits up front and the last the one is FREE! MSAS Informed Consent Form |
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